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Life Care Products

Life Care - Main 4 fields

Life Care - Main 4 fields  Life care, it is an indispensable field for people to live, and it is our basic products line that we have been handling since our establishment of 1995.

 In the 1980s, when the founding president was stationed as a representative in Tehran during the wartime of the Iran-Iraq War, the border line war was widespread and changed to bombing in Teheran, foreign currency was decreasing daily, and import resources were depleted.

However, the limited foreign currency was actively allocated to import for life care products such as pharmaceuticals, foods, and feed additives that were essential for animal proteins. In addition, it was also allocated to various cosmetics that were essential for women.
This fact was taken with great surprise by international bankers who were professionals in international transactions at the time.

 Then, about 10 years later, in 1996, the Asian currency crisis occurred two years after the establishment of our company. Especially in Indonesia, where the currency had fallen to one-seventh in half a year, and Thailand, which had fallen to one-third, the demands for those lie care products were not decreased, and even if the price raised to seven times, continuous orders were placed and the settlements of payment were not be delayed.

 In this way, the four basic fields of pharmaceuticals, foods, cosmetics, and feed additives are still the basic fields of our company, but as the middle-income group in growing countries became thicker, not only "more delicious", but also "health foods" and "oral cosmetics" to maintain health and beauty were added to the demand in foods.

  Furtherly the demand of alternative medicines, patients foods, nursing foods, etc. for senior care and improvement of QOL were also increased due to the increase in the elderly population in Japan as well as growing countries.

 And recently, the demand for materials that lead to sustainable products such as natural and organic materials linked to SDGs and ESG is rapidly expanding.

 Our products line of "Life Care" targets "everything necessary for a person to live", and from birth to QOL, focusing on "health" and "beauty", we do contribute to a sustainable and prosperous society .

Toyo Life Care Products

Pharmaceuticals/Diagnostic agents Foods/Health Foods
  • Antacid
  • Antibiotics
  • Antifungal
  • Antihistamine
  • Haemostatic
  • Hepatic stimulant
  • Leucopenia and Hair growth prepration
  • Musular relaxtant
  • Potassium lowering preparation
  • Traditional herbal medicine
  • Vitamines
  • Excipient
  • Other
  • Seasonings
  • Artificial sweetener
  • Flavors
  • Functional ingredients
  • Herb extract
  • Health foods ingredients
  • Oral cosmetics ingredients
  • Oral ingredients for Health & Beauty
  • etc... together with customized soft capsules
Cosmetics/ToiletryVeterinary drug/Feed additives pet food
  • Antibiotics
  • Antibacterial drug probiotics
  • Prebiotics
  • Herb extract
  • Disinfectant
  • Immuno enhancer
  • Vitamins
  • Mineral
  • etc...

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